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Sunday, July 4, 2010

VBScript: Query Event Log

Option Explicit
Const ForReading   = 1
Const ForWriting   = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Dim objDictionary, objFSO, wshShell, wshNetwork
Dim scriptBaseName, scriptPath, scriptLogPath
Dim ipAddress, macAddress, item, messageType, message
On Error Resume Next
   Set objDictionary = NewDictionary
   Set objFSO        = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set wshShell      = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
   Set wshNetwork    = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
   scriptBaseName    = objFSO.GetBaseName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
   scriptPath        = objFSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path
   scriptLogPath     = scriptPath & "\" & IsoDateString(Now)
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
   End If
On Error Goto 0
'Main Processing Section
On Error Resume Next
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox BuildError("Processing Script"), vbCritical, scriptBaseName
   End If
On Error Goto 0
'Functions Processing Section
'Name       : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
'Parameters : None          ->
'Return     : None          ->
Function ProcessScript
   Dim hostName, logName, startDateTime, endDateTime
   Dim events, eventNumbers, i
   hostName      = wshNetwork.ComputerName
   logName       = "Security"
   eventNumbers  = Array("672")
   startDateTime = DateAdd("n", -120, Now)
   'Query the event log for the eventID's within the specified event log name and date range.
   If Not QueryEventLog(events, hostName, logName, eventNumbers, startDateTime) Then
      Exit Function
   End If
   'Log the scripts results to the scripts
   For i = 0 To UBound(events)
      LogMessage events(i)
End Function
'Name       : QueryEventLog -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
'Parameters : results       -> Input/Output : Variable assigned to an array of results from querying the event log.
'           : hostName      -> String containing the hostName of the system to query the event log on.
'           : logName       -> String containing the name of the Event Log to query on the system.
'           : eventNumbers  -> Array containing the EventID's (eventCode) to search for within the event log.
'           : startDateTime -> Date\Time containing the date to finish searching at.
'           : minutes       -> Integer containing the number of minutes to subtract from the startDate to begin the search.
'Return     : QueryEventLog -> Returns True if the event log was successfully queried otherwise returns False.
Function QueryEventLog(results, hostName, logName, eventNumbers, startDateTime)
   Dim wmiDateTime, wmi, query, eventItems, eventItem
   Dim timeWritten, eventDate, eventTime, description
   Dim eventsDict, eventInfo, errorCount, i
   QueryEventLog = False
   errorCount    = 0
   If Not IsArray(eventNumbers) Then
      eventNumbers = Array(eventNumbers)
   End If
   'Construct part of the WMI Query to account for searching multiple eventID's
   query = "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = " & SQ(logName) & " And (EventCode = "
   For i = 0 To UBound(eventNumbers)
      query = query & SQ(eventNumbers(i)) & " Or EventCode = "
   On Error Resume Next
      Set eventsDict = NewDictionary
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
         LogError "Creating Dictionary Object"
         Exit Function
      End If
      Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Security)}!\\" & hostName & "\root\cimv2")
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
         LogError "Creating WMI Object to connect to " & DQ(hostName)
         Exit Function
      End If
      'Create the "SWbemDateTime" Object for converting WMI Date formats. Supported in Windows Server 2003 & Windows XP.
      Set wmiDateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
         LogError "Creating " & DQ("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") & " object"
         Exit Function
      End If
      'Build the WQL query and execute it.
      wmiDateTime.SetVarDate startDateTime, True
      query          = Left(query, InStrRev(query, "'")) & ") And (TimeWritten >= " & SQ(wmiDateTime.Value) & ")"
      Set eventItems = wmi.ExecQuery(query)
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
         LogError "Executing WMI Query " & DQ(query)
         Exit Function
      End If
      'Convert the property values of Each event found to a comma seperated string and add it to the dictionary.
      For Each eventItem In eventItems
            timeWritten = ""
            eventDate   = ""
            eventTime   = ""
            eventInfo   = ""
            timeWritten = ConvertWMIDateTime(eventItem.TimeWritten)
            eventDate   = FormatDateTime(timeWritten, vbShortDate)
            eventTime   = FormatDateTime(timeWritten, vbLongTime)
            eventInfo   = eventDate                          & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventTime              & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.SourceName   & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.Type         & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.Category     & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.EventCode    & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.User         & ","
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & eventItem.ComputerName & ","
            description = eventItem.Message
            'Ensure the event description is not blank.
            If IsNull(description) Then
               description = "The event description cannot be found."
            End If
            description = Replace(description, vbCrLf, " ")
            eventInfo   = eventInfo & description
            'Check if any errors occurred enumerating the event Information
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
               LogError "Enumerating Event Properties from the " & DQ(logName) & " event log on " & DQ(hostName)
               errorCount = errorCount + 1
               Exit Do
            End If
            'Remove all Tabs and spaces.
            eventInfo = Trim(Replace(eventInfo, vbTab, " "))
            Do While InStr(1, eventInfo, "  ", vbTextCompare) <> 0
               eventInfo = Replace(eventInfo, "  ", " ")
            'Add the Event Information to the Dictionary object if it doesn't exist.
            If Not eventsDict.Exists(eventInfo) Then
               eventsDict(eventsDict.Count) = eventInfo
            End If
         Loop Until True
   On Error Goto 0
   If errorCount <> 0 Then
      Exit Function
   End If
   results       = eventsDict.Items
   QueryEventLog = True
End Function
'Name       : ConvertWMIDateTime -> Converts a WMI Date Time String into a String that can be formatted as a valid Date Time.
'Parameters : wmiDateTimeString  -> String containing a WMI Date Time String.
'Return     : ConvertWMIDateTime -> Returns a valid Date Time String otherwise returns a Blank String.
Function ConvertWMIDateTime(wmiDateTimeString)
   Dim integerValues, i
   'Ensure the wmiDateTimeString contains a "+" or "-" character. If it doesn't it is not a valid WMI date time so exit.
   If InStr(1, wmiDateTimeString, "+", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
      InStr(1, wmiDateTimeString, "-", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
      ConvertWMIDateTime = ""
      Exit Function
   End If
   'Replace any "." or "+" or "-" characters in the wmiDateTimeString and check each character is a valid integer.
   integerValues = Replace(Replace(Replace(wmiDateTimeString, ".", ""), "+", ""), "-", "")
   For i = 1 To Len(integerValues)
      If Not IsNumeric(Mid(integerValues, i, 1)) Then
         ConvertWMIDateTime = ""
         Exit Function
      End If
   'Convert the WMI Date Time string to a String that can be formatted as a valid Date Time value.
   ConvertWMIDateTime = CDate(Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 5, 2)  & "/" & _
                              Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 7, 2)  & "/" & Left(wmiDateTimeString, 4) & " " & _
                              Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 9, 2)  & ":" & _
                              Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 11, 2) & ":" & _
                              Mid(wmiDateTimeString, 13, 2))
End Function
'Name       : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
'Parameters : None          ->
'Return     : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
Function NewDictionary
   Dim dict
   Set dict          = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
   dict.CompareMode  = vbTextCompare
   Set NewDictionary = dict
End Function
'Name       : SQ          -> Places single quotes around a string
'Parameters : stringValue -> String containing the value to place single quotes around
'Return     : SQ          -> Returns a single quoted string
Function SQ(ByVal stringValue)
   If VarType(stringValue) = vbString Then
      SQ = "'" & stringValue & "'"
   End If
End Function
'Name       : DQ          -> Place double quotes around a string and replace double quotes
'           :             -> within the string with pairs of double quotes.
'Parameters : stringValue -> String value to be double quoted
'Return     : DQ          -> Double quoted string.
Function DQ (ByVal stringValue)
   If stringValue <> "" Then
      DQ = """" & Replace (stringValue, """", """""") & """"
      DQ = """"""
   End If
End Function
'Name       : IsoDateTimeString -> Generate an ISO date and time string from a date/time value.
'Parameters : dateValue         -> Input date/time value.
'Return     : IsoDateTimeString -> Date and time parts of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format.
Function IsoDateTimeString(dateValue)
   IsoDateTimeString = IsoDateString (dateValue) & " " & IsoTimeString (dateValue)
End Function
'Name       : IsoDateString -> Generate an ISO date string from a date/time value.
'Parameters : dateValue     -> Input date/time value.
'Return     : IsoDateString -> Date part of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
Function IsoDateString(dateValue)
   If IsDate(dateValue) Then
      IsoDateString = Right ("000" &  Year (dateValue), 4) & "-" & _
                      Right (  "0" & Month (dateValue), 2) & "-" & _
                      Right (  "0" &   Day (dateValue), 2)
      IsoDateString = "0000-00-00"
   End If
End Function
'Name       : IsoTimeString -> Generate an ISO time string from a date/time value.
'Parameters : dateValue     -> Input date/time value.
'Return     : IsoTimeString -> Time part of the input value in "hh:mm:ss" format.
Function IsoTimeString(dateValue)
   If IsDate(dateValue) Then
      IsoTimeString = Right ("0" &   Hour (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
                      Right ("0" & Minute (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
                      Right ("0" & Second (dateValue), 2)
      IsoTimeString = "00:00:00"
   End If
End Function
'Name       : LogMessage -> Writes a message to a log file.
'Parameters : logPath    -> String containing the full folder path and file name of the Log file without with file extension.
'           : message    -> String containing the message to include in the log message.
'Return     : None       -> 
Function LogMessage(message)
   If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & ".log", IsoDateTimeString(Now) & "," & message) Then
      Exit Function
   End If
End Function
'Name       : LogError -> Writes an error message to a log file.
'Parameters : logPath  -> String containing the full folder path and file name of the Log file without with file extension.
'           : message  -> String containing a description of the event that caused the error to occur.
'Return     : None       -> 
Function LogError(message)
   If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & ".err", IsoDateTimeString(Now) & "," & BuildError(message)) Then
      Exit Function
   End If
End Function
'Name      : BuildError -> Builds a string of information relating to the error object.
'Parameters: message    -> String containnig the message that relates to the process that caused the error.
'Return    : BuildError -> Returns a string relating to error object.   
Function BuildError(message)
   BuildError = "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " & message & ". " & Err.Description
End Function
'Name       : LogToCentralFile -> Attempts to Appends information to a central file.
'Parameters : logSpec          -> Folder path, file name and extension of the central log file to append to.
'           : message          -> String to include in the central log file
'Return     : LogToCentralFile -> Returns True if Successfull otherwise False.
Function LogToCentralFile(logSpec, message)
   Dim attempts, objLogFile
   LogToCentralFile = False
   'Attempt to append to the central log file up to 10 times, as it may be locked by some other system.
   attempts = 0
      On Error Resume Next
         Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logSpec, ForAppending, True)
         If Err.Number = 0 Then
            objLogFile.WriteLine message
            LogToCentralFile = True
            Exit Function
         End If
      On Error Goto 0
      Wscript.sleep 1000 + Rnd * 100
      attempts = attempts + 1
   Loop Until attempts >= 10
End Function
'Name       : PromptScriptStart -> Prompt when script starts.
'Parameters : None
'Return     : None
Function PromptScriptStart
   MsgBox "Now processing the " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
End Function
'Name       : PromptScriptEnd -> Prompt when script has completed.
'Parameters : None
'Return     : None
Function PromptScriptEnd
   MsgBox "The " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script has completed successfully.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
End Function

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